
“Actually, I Didn’t Hear You”: Auditory Processing Difficulties

Auditory Processing: A system which allows one to discriminate between various auditory stimuli (sounds) and derive meaning from said sounds, bringing to conscious attention those sounds that are the most important/relevant to the given situation. It’s the ability that allows you to dine out with your friends and family in a crowded, noisy restaurant and make… Continue reading “Actually, I Didn’t Hear You”: Auditory Processing Difficulties


Developmental Differences And Discipline: Finding The Middle Ground

There is a wide range of on-the-street, peer-to-peer advice regarding the parenting of children with autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, or any other developmental difference. Social media, as it often does, tends to conglomerate this advice into one of two main paths: discipline the disability out of them, or just let them be… Continue reading Developmental Differences And Discipline: Finding The Middle Ground